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froth breaker

См. также в других словарях:

  • Breaker (reef)A breaker is a piece of reef against which waves break.This sense of the term is closely related to another sense, that of the breaking wave itself. In times past, when ocean navigation was relatively rudimentary, a line of breaking waves was a… …   Wikipedia

  • breakerSynonyms and related words: analyzer, billow, bore, breakers, breeder, broncobuster, buckaroo, cattleman, centrifuge, chop, choppiness, chopping sea, collar, comb, comber, cow keeper, cowman, cutter, dairy farmer, dairyman, dirty water, eagre,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Coal breakerA coal breaking plant, depicted on a postcard in 1907. A coal breaker was a coal processing plant which broke coal into various useful sizes. Coal breakers also removed impurities from the coal (typically slate) and deposited them into a culm… …   Wikipedia

  • Late-2000s recessionThis article is about economic recession during the early twenty first century. For background financial market events dating from 2007, see Late 2000s financial crisis. Late 2000s recession around the world Africa Americas South America United… …   Wikipedia

  • wave1. verb 1) he waved his flag in triumph Syn: brandish, shake, swish, move to and fro, move up and down, wag, sweep, swing, flourish, wield; flick, flutter 2) the grass waved in the breeze Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • пеногасительПоверхностно активное вещество, используемое в качестве компонента магнитной суспензии, снижающее ее способность образовывать пену при течении и перемешивании. [Система неразрушающего контроля. Виды (методы) и технология неразрушающего контроля.… …   Справочник технического переводчика

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